Sunday, May 2, 2010

Skin Care for Teenager Face

Adolescence is the best time to begin a healthy skincare. Skin care is considered as the most important things that teenagers should be doing to their skin health. Teens skin condition and appearance is influenced by hormones, genetics, and lifestyle.

 Hormonal changes in teenagers can lead to increased production of sebum that can cause acneIf you are a teenager it was the best time to start a skin care and maintain the health of your skin.

If you regularly practice a few tips, then you will not face the problem of the aging so fast in your life.First of all, you need to know about your skin type. By knowing this, you can choose a better product for your skin care. Select skin care products containing mineral and organic and be careful before using any product on your face because sometimes some products may not be suitable for certain individuals.

For the daily care you must begin with

1. Cleaner

Cleanser, apply gently on your face, cleaners used to remove impurities, including toxic. Your body excretes these toxins via the skin continues. Gel is an option if you have oily skin cleansing cream recommended for dry skin.

2. Toner

Use a toner, because the toner can maintain the skin pH after the removal of impurities remaining from the cleaners. If you have dry skin are advised not to use toner because it may cause excessive dryness to your skin.

3. Moisturizer

Abundance of moisturizers can be used on your face for those of you who have dry skin, if you have oily skin you should not use too much moisturizer because it will close the pores of the skin can cause acne sehinggar. Sunscreen is very important because they give on skin hydration. In addition, you may use sunscreen to prevent UV rays and other particles in our atmosphere.

4. Scrub

Skin has a remarkable ability to regenerate and this process leaves many dead cells on the surface of our skin. This is necessary to remove all dead cells. Therefore you can use a good scrub or lotion to exfoliate.

5. Mask

You can use the mask two weeks to maintain your beautiful skin, so that your youthful skin is always glowing, and wake up your skin's natural freshness.

The most influential thing to keep your skin beauty is healthy lifestyle by consuming healthy food and exercise can also bring a good and healthy changes in your skin's appearance. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetable consumption to meet the demands of your skin. Regular exercise is also helpful. Try to remove things that do not sound out of your life such as alcohol and smoking.

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